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Welcome to my world of writing, I am based in Hyderabad, India, a Civil Engineer with a Masters in Environmental Science by profession. Writing and reading have been a passion for me right from my childhood, it was only later in life that I discovered my penchant for writing, and since then I haven't stopped writing. After dabbling in other fields I finally found solace in writing, I find a story in every experience, every object, feelings and nature. Writing and reading are therapeutic and relax me during stressful times. Love for writing made me take up writing for the past fifteen years. I have self published two ebooks, apart from writing many short stories and poems.


My urge to tell stories which matter, made me take up freelance journalism recently, and I have written for Al Jazeera, South China Morning Post, Whetstone Magazine, Women's Media Center, Healthline, Kaspersky, The Hindu, Deccan Herald, Asiaville News, The Humming Notes and Story House.

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